I was thinking about a project that I haven't touched in months and was suddenly inspired to revisit it. It's an afghan knit in small squares, to be pieced together randomly. The project has moved slowly from the beginning, sort of on purpose. I initially wanted to use all leftover yarn and reclaimed thrift store sweaters. It made guage difficult, but I'm hoping for the best when I go to sew it all up.

Anyway, I pulled the bag out of the closet, and laid out what I had finished. I'd forgotten how much I liked it, first of all. Secondly, I'd forgotten how many memories the little squares brought back. I can remember what was going on when I knit a lot of them. For instance, I know I knit squares on my birthday last year in New Hampshire with a favorite purple tweed leftover. I knit a red and gray square when I decided I was going to move to Columbus. Hot pink and orange in Chicago on Valentine's Day when I almost got snowed in. Turquoise and yellow while I was living with Katie. Lots of squares... and suddenly I'm waxing nostalgic. About yarn. Seriously.

But more importantly, rainy days are good knitting days.