Okay, here's the run down... The plan was to finish a couple of projects from
knitty, to possibly enter them in the contest (hey, why not.) Instead, I've started about a zillion new ones, including:

Okay, I saw this pattern and literally couldn't resist. The hem on it is so cute. It's going to be a little ringer sweater shirt thingy. Way cuter to wear than describe, apparently.

This is a knitty pattern, so it doesn't count. The pattern is supposedly inspired by Tiffany lamps, so I thought it might look cool to take it's photo near a lamp, or pinned to an easel or something. They're really fun to work on when I have the patience.

This is my latest bedtime project. It's kind of lost in the picture, but it's a corkscrew scarf. I think I might give it to the secretary at work for Christmas. It's really good for picking up and doing just a couple of rows at a time.

I saw this at the store on sale for $2.15, and thought, hello, grocery bags. Right now mine are a hodge podge, and I'd like to have a "set." So if you get a grocery bag that looks suspiciously used, that's why. Sorry. Save the planet with my castoffs...

And last but not least, my dyeing experiment! Cannot wait. Going to be a "stats is done" treat next week.
Maybe I could finish something if I didn't spend so much time going to work and class...?
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