To preface, every aspect of my life has been painfully neglected over the last month. To my credit (and the only redeeming grace of this hellish month), I've submitted my first grant. My friends, my life and my knitting have all been put on hold, and I'm ready to have them back. So I'm celebrating with THRUMS!

What are thrums, you say? Aside from 'awesome,' they are little fuzzy bits of love inside of a knitted piece to keep you super warm and toasty.
Roving (unspun wool fibers), is knitted into with the piece and adds a bulky fleecy layer.

To keep myself on track, I will chronicle my Thrummed Odyssey. Fortunately for me,
Knitting Daily and the
Yarn Harlot, have nice tutorials. This will com in handy, as I have no idea what I'm doing.
I've tentatively chosen some combination of
Yarn Forward and the
Yarn Harlot's patterns, as they seem popular enough.
Step one: choose yarn...
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